
In New Zealand, a DanielX is known in Auckland urban communities to be a nerd, geek, and dork all at once. DanielX's commonly grow to be short in stature and large in forehead, with little tenure but plenty of academic intelligence.
DanielX's almost always wear glasses and caps, to both highlight their foreheads and present a false air of humility about their heads.
Bruh, that guy is SO SWEATY at Maths, but he's not even as sweaty as a DanielX!
by Mother's Mercy August 11, 2022
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Legendary meme, can be found in YG community only between 7 a.m to 8 p.m
Exactly, he can't commit suicide due to a lovely teenager.
You are the most ridiculous guy I have ever met. You are such a danielxal
by Fan of danielxal April 6, 2017
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