A person who constantly posts music videos on facebook for the sole reason of having the feeling of being a real life DJ. They get a sense of pride from all of the "Likes" and comments they receive, which further fuels their delusion of being a DJ.
by S. Sinani March 14, 2011
music artist who more then likely was born in Arizona. there musical talents where perfected when they actually found out what a DJ set was. the music is so amateur but makes you wanna scream and dance all night.
person 1:"dude do you remember the set last night? It was
person 2:"No, all i know is that i was dancing the entire, and
my girlfriend was making out with that DJ. DJ Gigglez was the one."
person 2:"No, all i know is that i was dancing the entire, and
my girlfriend was making out with that DJ. DJ Gigglez was the one."
by DJ Gigglez May 17, 2011
A Former Dj for the Philidelphia 76ers. A member of Dipset. President of Dipset Dj's. TNF, Real name Adrian Lyda.
by Rob run corleone March 7, 2023
Former dj for the philidelphia 76ers. A member of Dipset real name Adrian Lyda. Also president of Dipset Dj's.
by Rob run corleone March 7, 2023
by SaraDeLaraFucksAlot March 27, 2022
The act of being so cranked out that you lay on your belly on the floor and try to stare under the door jam to see or hear what's going on the other side because you're so paranoid and on meth.
by thEwaTcher September 11, 2015
Definitely a one of a kind individual. Has a huge heart but will not take crap from people who think they "kick ass". Tends to look alittle more negative then positive, therefor some decisions are not always the right ones. The DJ is truely your best friend or someone you hate. When meeting The DJ you best be on your toes cause he is alittle wild. Things can go from dull to dance time in a second. the DJ is a very well rounded individual.
by William Williamston April 16, 2010