A band that is scary as hell, has medicore music but puts on one hell of a show!
by F.B. Navarro August 30, 2003
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one of the best bands ever cradle of filth came straight out of england during 1992 some say theyre black metal some say theyre symphonic whatever they are theyre sick twisted lyrics and deranged muzic videos how can it get any better than that some socalled real goths say they suck cuz theyre popular well fuck those goths they suck
guy1:cradle of filth rocks
guy3:whata fudge packer you dont know about cof
by psycotic goth July 11, 2008
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A shitty screamo "black metal" band that so many faggots like. As it has been said before, I shall say it again. If you like "cradle" you probably like the other gay shit like slipknot and mudvayne.

I am ashamed to even listen to the same genre of music because this shit is a disgrace to metal. If you want some real black metal, go listen to Dimmu Borgir you little fucknuts.
Scene Kid (Faggot): Ohh my gawsh, I'm super psyched I get to go see Cradle of Filth!!

Real Metal Fan: Fuck you! *Boots him in the chest and kicks him in the face* Fucking pussy!
by Scene Kids Can Eat Dicks February 17, 2009
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Sheets of sacrificial toilet paper placed across the water in a public toilet to stop the water splashing up onto your ass
The toilets in the club were disgusting so had to lay a cradle of filth before I did a shit
by Marc Wins November 25, 2022
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