Crackers And Cheese

The dirt found under the foreskin of a man's penis is crackers and cheese. Especially when he is unwashed or unclean. An uncircumsised man.
I only date men who aren't crackers and cheese!
by Dolce Coppola June 10, 2011
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Crackers on cheese

Ridiculous, deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd.
You think you're so much better than me, that's just crackers on cheese!
by Wadeo June 7, 2017
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cracker with cheese

Ryan: You guys are such crackers!
Cristen and Diane: Oh yea? Well you're a cracker with cheese!
by Elf February 27, 2004
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Crackers and Cheese

Slang for a white and asian couple.
Look Crackers and Cheese. Oh nevermind thats just Steve and Gloria.
by crx75 January 6, 2011
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To be pregnant, usually in a not-so-planned way.
Wow, i got so smashed last night, i think Ronald McDonald got me graham crackers and cheese
by Riley M January 11, 2008
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cracker cheese

cheese that whiteseat, can be any type,, but perferably Kraft's String Cheese- Mozzarella....SO NO, NOT CHEESE ON CRACKERS LOLZ.
danny:dude i just love that craker's cheese,i eat it like everyday.
by the creatorx1 December 29, 2009
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cracker cheese pickle

its so creamy in my mouth it makes me think of cooper horbas he is so yummy to taste mmmmmmmmmmm cum
(yo what you wanna eat im hungry) (have you ever tried cracker cheese pickle its so good )
by zeakiscute January 18, 2022
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