used to describe a person, place, thing, event, action that seemingly makes little to no sense, whatsoever; can be used to describe retardedness; describes someone whom has surrendered to their stupidity
Dude, that guy is so drunk that he's spilling beer on everyone! That's Cornwallis as shit, bro.

Man, that girl's #yolo attitude is gonna land her straight at the schmeschmorsion clinic. Total Cornwallis, she is.
by the euroWonder May 30, 2012
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When you feed your girlfriend nothing but corn, wait for her to shit and half way through fuck her in the ass.
by DaftSpades January 24, 2014
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A remote, uncivilized area that is abundant in low paid jobs, widespread heroin abuse and a high number of semi-derelict towns but is perversely held to be somehow superior by its fat, unintelligible and sanctimonious inhabitants.
Why would you go there? That place is 100% Cornwall.
by Alan Spangler June 24, 2014
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To lead someone on, only to abruptly change your mind by cutting off contact.
I invited this girl to the country for the weekend then totally cornwalled her by not calling.
by Duchess of Brompton May 15, 2011
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When a man presses and rubs a closed fist against his lover's anus for added stimulation during sex.
Jonathan's pinky developed a cramp while fingering Connie's anus, so he simply made a fist and Cornwalled her.
by BB2 June 28, 2013
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one who willingly surrenders to an act of self-degradation, generally through the act of desperate, rigid sexual contact

Thomas: "I heard that Marcia from accounting showed up at Martin's for the GBW."
Richard: "That is also what I heard."
Harrison: "Yes, she is definitely a Cornwallis."

"Make love to me, William. I am your Cornwallis."
"You certainly know how to set the mood, Patrick."
"I know. Now grab the whips and chains."

Gentleman, steer clear of Paris. She is not only the crustacean transportation but also a Cornwallis...the city, I mean.
by Danfield January 15, 2007
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A growing town in New York. Next to newburgh New York and the West POint military academy. It's not too far from the city. It's an alright town to live in. Alot of people will tell you they dont like it there but if you have lived somewhere else you will see it's not that boring. It's actually growing alot. ALOT of families are moving in from the city to get their kids away form that atmosphere.Cornwall is usually a very competitive town in every sport.
Not the Cornwall in England. The one in New York!
by what you know bout dat April 17, 2006
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