Conservative, usually from the midwest, who has no taste whatsoever for the exotic and clings to tradition like a dog to a bone.
The cornflake conservative beat his wife when he learnt that she bought fruit loops.
by voteswinger March 1, 2005
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Having little left in a bag of corn chips, you crumble them up and mix with guacamole. Useful as a breakfast, snack or dinner when real food is scarce and all you are left with is party food.
"Man, don't you have any real food at this tailgater or do I have to resort to Mexican Cornflakes?"
by DarcyDog December 20, 2018
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Like a soggy cornflake that flops around in your cereal bowl the term is used to describe someone unenthusiastic, negative and passive.
Me: Hey you want to rage tonight?

Friend: Nah, i dont see the point in getting drunk

Me: Stop being such a soggy cornflake and take a shot
by KaliDinosaur December 22, 2012
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Derogatory name for Perfect Middle class families who all sit together round the breakfast table
“Look at them with their perfect house and clean car and their talented children. What a bunch of cornflake eaters”
by Kdawg73&sexpanther November 1, 2017
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A phrase for someone who has cellulite, usually on the backs of the legs.
Sally doesn't look good in a bathing suit. That bitch is smugglin' cornflakes.
by a myriad of lights July 11, 2008
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A really really ugly person, usually ginger, that their face looks like a cornflake e.g. its all lumpy

and they can walk because they have legs
yo man check out craig over there" "yea man hes a total walking cornflake
by WxL June 7, 2011
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