I will point at Metal Gear Solid 3 and say "pretty much that".

Anyone who doesnt trust the governmet will make up bullshit storis because they are too lazy to look up facts like these on, for example, the JFK assassination.
1. There is no such thing as a magic bullet.
2. There were 3 shots fired that day: 1. missed 2. got kennedy through the chest/throat and would have been fatal if the next shot had not been fired 3. The infamous headshot

There are theories that there was a second gunman, or that the bullet made an S curve to hit both kennedy and the governor of texas, when in fact a recent Discovery Channel special shows the following:

1. The governors seat in the front of the car was 6 inches in and 3 inches down from the seat where Kennedy was sitting, eliminating the magic bullet theory.
2. The second shot mentioned above entered through the tough muscle near the neck and shoulder, penetrated the seat and went through the governors seat and torso, exited through his chest and sturck his wrist and exited, glancing off the bone and finally stopping in the Texas Governors theigh.

3. The Discovery channel special used the $12.75 Italian Mannlischer rifle in .30 caliber period ammunition from an elevation and angle identical to Lee Harvey Oswalds position and turned up almost identical results to what has been tested and video taped.

So, for the last fucking time, STOP with the JFK theories and do something productive.
by Cartmaniac June 24, 2009
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Conspiracy Theory: the fictitious explanation involving mysterious and vague "powers" that are tied to the failures of those afflicted with the delusion. This shifting of blame provides an emotional fulfillment that explains their own failings without requiring difficult introspection and self-assessment. Depending on degree of delusion, it can encompass a secretive plot that includes pretty much everyone that the subject considers adversaries, even on a global scale.

It is an especially pernicious affliction from a clinical standpoint since the arguments are airtight. Every piece of evidence against it will be viewed as an attempt to "misinform the public", and the lack of evidence for it is viewed as a government cover-up since nothing can constitute evidence that the conspiracy is fictitious.

At best, you'll always fail to sway the subject but you can help innoculate others through reason in dialogues and debates, such as the problem of scaling." The Moon landing was a hoax conspiracy, for instance, would requite tens of thousands of co-conspirators who have kept silent through the decades.

Some popular delusions of this variety:

Big Pharma is poisoning our children!
Evolution is a secular plot to take God out of the classroom!
The Moon landing was faked!
Climate change is a hoax to subvert freedom lovers under UN dominion!
Obama's birth certificate is a fraud because he was born in Kenya!
The Sandy Hook massacre was staged by the government to round up our guns!
His conspiracy theory was that lizard-headed alien overlords are responsible for our concern about global warming and no evidence could possibly demonstrate otherwise because he insisted it came from the "overlords" themselves.
by Essar March 7, 2019
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The best song on Nick Jonas & The Administration's album.

At least in my opinion.
Conspiracy Theory, better keep it down, 'cuz the walls are thin and the word is out, now.
by xohmymymyx May 30, 2010
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The result long term cannabis usage has on thought process. Thefoer anything that is most likely true, changes to being a cover up or having a 'hidden agenda'. Usually spouted by douches on the popular video sharing site Youtube. These people make their videos and then of course, the truth is uncovered. Hey, its on youtube, it must be true!
You know that September 11th is a Conspiracy theory. Thousands of hours of video recordings showing what the government want you to see, but I have found just 10 seconds that show the real truth. Smoke the spliff and see!
by Prof.Capt.Maninjamica. April 13, 2010
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A conspiracy theory is an alternative explanation of an event or situation that differs from the narrative of mainstream media, history books or others means.

Most conspiracy theories revolve around controversial topics like 9/11, vaccines, frauds, aliens.
Some conspiracies are batshit crazy and have little to no evidence. Others are just crazy and controversial to some but have very validity and evidence to be recognized as true. There are examples of conspiracies that have been proven as true but were seen as impossible or improbable in the past.
The word is often used from as an ad hominem to the theory and it's arguments and to try to discredit the person expressing it.
I can't trust the politicians and the media. I mean, they have a track record of lies and bullshit. This is nothing but a 24/7 news & propaganda cycle to enslave your mind while making you believe that you're free. This is my conspiracy theory about all of these TV programs and channels.
by mollyxanlean December 14, 2020
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A generally unsubstantiated claim - generally based on what is called an argument from ignorance, linking completely unrelated things, etc - that is usually considered to be against the well-being of the demographic of the conspiracy theorist. Almost always pushed by scientifically illiterate people, religious fundamentalists, the uneducated or misinformed, and - always - the paranoid.
"The government did 9/11! Jews control all of the banks as part of the Illuminati! NWO NWO NWO CHEMTRAILS!"

"You're a moron with this conspiracy theory nonsense. The 'Illuminati,' and 'NWO,' for that matter, have been conspiracy theories for well over a century. People were just as alarmist then as you nuts are now. And we're in some totalitarian unfree state now where you.. oh, have the freedom to express these nutjob hypotheses of yours?"
by adym smew April 10, 2010
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Something people make up to make themselves feel like they know something others don't. Usually these made up stories are baseless, illogical conclusions. Most conspiracy theories are made up by douches, and believed by morons.

Not all conspiracy theories are false, however nearly all of them are.

It is also not uncommon for jackasses to make a show dedicated to conspiracy theories, for example The Glenn Beck show, or Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura.

It is a well-known fact by people who aren't idiots, that any show that contains a series of Conspiracy theories is going to have the majority of them wrong, if not all.
Guy1: I heard a conspiracy theory that the world is going to end in 2012, that is if Obama and George Soros don't destroy the world first!!!

Guy2: What are you talking about? How do you know any of what you're saying is true?

Guy1: I heard some guy on T.V. talking about it bro

Guy2: Have you thought about it and questioned the stupidity of these claims at all?

Guy1: Oh no! You must be an Islamic alien sent to earth by George Bush to cover up the real people behind 9/11!! You're just trying to brainwash meeeee
by Snax110 March 7, 2011
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