Stupid old Caucasian businessman that keeps dishing out nonsense in the name of liberty and freedom. Turns out this stupid white fool is filthy rich , and funds eco terrorists. This elite white fool wants to keep developing countries suppressed so that European Union and Second British Empire ( Commonwealth of nations) can rule over the world again. This man deserves to be guillotined . This man supports terrorist news channels such as BBC ( British Bummer Channel).
Naresh Reddy : Hey who the heck is that pale looking lizard
Person 2 : George Soros , he is the world famous European Capitalist Terrorist.
Geroge Soros : *Speaks in stupid Hungarian accent*
by Venniradai Murthy March 1, 2023
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Used by Neo Nazis & Conservatives to blame every problem on a Jewish man. Anytime a Protest occurs, these people claim George Soros paid them to protest.

Logical People: Is he or are you just blaming him because he's Jewish?
by Dark_Link_1996 May 2, 2024
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