by Pmontoya October 11, 2011
This is the exact moment in time that you realize that someone , obviously not the first, is telling you that they were indeed the first to do , invent , solve or to discover something.
by MCK II October 27, 2019
To dominate
To be anally abused
such as Columbus caused the Native Americans to be "Columbused" by what became American society
To be anally abused
such as Columbus caused the Native Americans to be "Columbused" by what became American society
by §eth October 13, 2004
by Pms07 July 9, 2014
When white people claim they have invented/discovered something that has been around for years, decades, even centuries.
by Meownir July 1, 2014
When someone thinks they have invented something that's been around for awhile or has already been discovered but tries to take first claim to inventing it.
hey man I just mixed sauce, meat, and noodles together and it's amazing. You should try it. I've never seen it before.
Bro your just columbusing.
Bro your just columbusing.
by leatherneck43 October 15, 2014
When you and a partner(s) have sexual intercourse and finish in every single room of a house, apartment, or other building.
Them: Have you heard of Columbusing? It's when you smash in every room of a house!
Blake: Oh yeah! Sophie and I Columbused in her house the other day! I don't think there is a single square foot of that building that we didn't bang on!
Blake: Oh yeah! Sophie and I Columbused in her house the other day! I don't think there is a single square foot of that building that we didn't bang on!
by memoist61 August 6, 2018