someone who makes fun or jokes on everything or anybody all the time
that kid is a clowner, i couldnt say anything with out hime makeing fun of the stupid shit i do
by Jmar73 April 12, 2006
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Having an erection with clown makeup painted on it.
Dude, i turned her pussy into a funhouse last night with my clowner.
by J-Box May 1, 2004
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A clowner is someone who tries to act cool while they’re making a foolery out of themselves
Friend: *Says the n-word*

Me: You’re such a clowner fam!
by Daddy and mamassaa May 5, 2020
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funny person, someone who always make other people smile, a friend that you always want by your side on the parties
mushy: yea clowner woooooooooo
clowner: yea wooooposfpsdfjpo
by funcrushin November 21, 2021
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