Clitty litter

When a stripper bends over and shows you her pussy, and there is leftover toilet paper from wiping the pussy.
Bubbles had the biggest piece of clitty litter last night at club Desire
by gretone October 9, 2016
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Clitty Litter

Clitty Litter are pieces of coagulated chunks of vaginal mucus that are left on the linen after sex.
"Uh Jenny, What the fuck is that laying there on the sheet?"

"That's just my Clitty Litter Bobby. Don't trip."
by Clit Commodore February 27, 2009
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Clitty litter

The crusted dry residue left on vagina or underwear after a passionate night of fornication with a dirty whore.
1. Looks like cat litter in her drawers
2. After that whore woke up in the morning there was clitty litter all over her underwear, and my sheets.
3. I was going to go down on her but I saw 7-8 pounds of clitty litter stuck to her muff.
by DFIP Iceman September 18, 2011
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Clittie Litter

The debris found in and around the vagina when she hasn't been wiping properly. (bits of toilet paper)
"I was going to go down on her, but bitch had mad clittie litter."
by clittielitter May 17, 2013
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Clitty Litter

The chunks and stains on the inside of a woman's panties by the pussy and taint (old semen, yeasts, feces, blood) after she's worn them for way too long
Change your panties woman... your clitty litter is attracting the bugs and dogs
by Incorrigible_66 October 9, 2021
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1. Refers to the dried slightly opaque crusty substance that is visible in the crotch of a woman's panties who has engaged in Prior sexual activity or in some cases may have a productive yeast infection or other infectious issue.
"That's a lot of clitty litter in Donna's panties...eww"
by Larry "Fish" Martin November 27, 2017
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