Clitty litter

The crust in a woman's underwear when she has a yeast infection.
Girl, you need to change your litter box, your clitty litter is getting on the floor, making a mess.
by Heidi Hoe 2 August 19, 2024
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Clitty litter

There is charge from a female that is left over in the crotch part of a female's dirty underwear
Oh gross ,you should see the nasty underwear I found in the laundry room. There was so much clitty litter left over in those underwear I didn't want to touch them!!!!
by Breanna ,Vesey-Davis May 31, 2020
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Clitty litter

Beach sand in your cooch
The only thing she didn't miss when she moved back to Australia was all the clitty litter in her bikini bottoms from rolling around at the beach
by MeatLoafChel January 23, 2024
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