For your understanding, the word "chupa" derived from the spanish word that means "to suck a dick". While, "papi" means "father or papa" and "munyayo" means "come on"
by im_Bob January 4, 2021
by Anti-Normies April 2, 2021
A dumbass word that means nothing but now little kids say it to seem cool but its honestly annoying asf
by gay231 September 28, 2021
It means "Suprise Motherfucker" in Latin language. Malaysian people like to say the Chupapi Munyayo words in airplane while playing scrim in PUBG MOBILE.
Chupapi Munyayo, Chupapi Munyayo, Chupapi Munyayo,Chupapi Munyayo, Chupapi Munyayo, Chupapi Munyayo.
by Munyayo February 5, 2021
The entry breaks down the words within the phrase, saying that 'chupa' derives from a Spanish word that means 'to suck a dick', while 'papi' means 'father or papa' and 'munyayo' apparently means 'come on'.
by LittlePatrick March 13, 2022
by big zaddy chompy March 24, 2021