1. Christer(A-) (noun);

A common name in Scandinavia, Christer derives from the name Christ. Apart from being a popular name among religious fanatics, tv-ministers, and do-gooders etc. the name is also given to those who embodies the general perception of a genuinly awesome person. Synonyms include Chris, Christoffer, Barney and Superman.

2. Christer (adjective):

A superlative of awesome

3. Christer (-ing, -ed) (verb);

To radiate pure awesomeness to such an extent that it might be contagious.
Noun: Christer is legen - wait for it - dary!

Adjective: That beautiful and intelligent person is so christer.

Verb: He was christering in the VIP section of the club last night.
by Dude, Awesome January 11, 2011
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A Christian who preaches the "Word" to unwilling participants
The Jehovah's Witness guy kept bothering me...
I killed that fucking Christer
by orion_ktulu1 January 25, 2006
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Christer, noun: Any religiot believing in "Jesus" or "christ". Christer originated because the christers hate each other too much to agree about what makes a person a "christian." Christer is an all inclusive term.
If somebody believes that Jesus Christ did not have the middle initial "F", they probably qualify as a christer.
by DasHermit January 23, 2017
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Pronounced: KrEE-ster

Noun) Catholic (or any other Christian) who shows up to church only on Christmas and Easter. They usually take the pews and parking spots of regular church attendees.
The Christers are coming! The Christers are coming!
by AllieGator35 February 2, 2008
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a Christer is a man, with good humor, and a kind smile. he is a man you can trust. he is a kind and strong man.

Christer would easily be the best teacher you've ever had, and could also be one of your best friend.
The best Teacher is Christer
by Chommy1707 May 22, 2021
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1.When you use the position in other words known as "doggystyle"
by DUDE November 25, 2004
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