A round, Dinner plate size,as large as 1 inch. Very wide , Very short
andrew has a massive chode he likes to impress his 14 cats with it and also likes to paint it up and play.
by doc September 7, 2002
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what you eat every day, every hour, on the hour.

No really, a penis that is wider than it's long
Person 1: chode
Person 2: eater

look in between your legs
by ewgrthyju February 2, 2009
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A person who pushes their beliefs, opinions or likes onto others as fact; refusing to back-off
Jim "James" Jodie. A resident of St. Francis...Born a chode and will die a chode:)
by ankhols4 July 20, 2007
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a primary male sexual organ that has a large mass.
Deary me! It seems my primary sexual organ is a chode.
by Professer chode killer November 30, 2003
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parasitical flatworm organism
"chode movin its mouth"
by Noixz January 14, 2009
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Penis wider than long
Curled penis
flat topped penis
david is such a chode
by ULTIMATE June 17, 2004
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In many parts of the United States it is known as another word for, 'bo-daggit' or 'cling-on'.
It is literally a small piece of shit that is hanging off one's ass hair.
by The Red Baron September 30, 2004
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