The act of writing computer code while visibly adhering to brogrammer norms.
The practice is usually seen as annoying, as the brogrammer appears to be desperately or intrusively seeking the appearance of being cool, technically adept, and/or productive, i.e. "crushing it".
The practice is usually seen as annoying, as the brogrammer appears to be desperately or intrusively seeking the appearance of being cool, technically adept, and/or productive, i.e. "crushing it".
Programming while using drugs or alcohol, programming with a cap on backwards, programming in any type of clothing that lacks sleeves, programming while listening to music so loudly that people across the room can hear it from one's headphones, programming while violently bobbing one's head to said music, programming with sunglasses on, programming with the hood of one's hoodie on, programming and shouting "fuck" periodically (ostensibly when a super tough coding problem is encountered), programming with one's feet up, programming in the close possession of an inordinate amount of energy drinks, etc. are all examples of brogramming
by smaker September 16, 2016
Want to go get a beer after we're done brogramming?
Want to get a six pack then get back to brogramming?
Want to get a six pack then get back to brogramming?
by theIntuitionist November 20, 2008
by madJooScientist September 12, 2011
by LeBrogrammer September 28, 2011
When a male of the species coerces another male to attend a given movie screening by impugning his manhood.
Alejandro: "You're a douchebag if you don't come to the movie--I mean you, Kurtiss."
Kurtiss: "There should be a law against your brogramming. What if I don't like Terrence Malick?
Kurtiss: "There should be a law against your brogramming. What if I don't like Terrence Malick?
by MzViz August 26, 2011
by brogrammer October 30, 2011
A group of male soccer players that act gay together and treat women with disrespect. Often cracking women jokes and always known for making hand gestures like jacking off about anything they like or if they are hating on you.
Brogram makes jokes such as: -haha , bro why do women have short feet? so they can stand closer to the sing.
-Dude my girlfriend and me were fighting and she told me to look at it from her perspective, so i went into the kitchen and looked out the window above the sink. hey dude you wanna go play soccer?
-Dude my girlfriend and me were fighting and she told me to look at it from her perspective, so i went into the kitchen and looked out the window above the sink. hey dude you wanna go play soccer?
by there bitch! ;) November 13, 2010