bro-job refers to when a woman acts like a guy in order to be liked by a guy or trying to get into his pants.
"She is awesome. we just played H.E.R.O. together "

"Dude, she is totally bro-jobing you"
by Arisa Montgomery July 19, 2019
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Person 1: Hey bro, can you give me a bro job? I can't reach it by myself.
Bro: Go fuck yourself.
by Mavis91765 January 11, 2016
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Being able to maintain a job only on the basis of being "bestfriends", "buddies" or "bros" with your male supervisor(s) or superiors. Generally with that territory you are able to slack off or perform your job at lower standards than your colleagues while reaping all the benefits if a steady paycheck.
Mark: "Why did Chaz quit his job?"

Jimmy: "Oh the Chaz-meister?, I guess working in IT was too much work. Hes going back to his bro-job at Wendys"
by bro- job May 1, 2014
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when a guy gets a blow job from another dude.
dude! that wasn't a woman.... you totally just got a bro job!!! homo.
by chadsicle January 29, 2005
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Occurs when two doods, or completely straight guy friends hold a job at the same establishment at the same time.
Peter- Dood, I got a job at Petco.
John- For real? I work there too!
Peter- We should carpool to our bro-job.
John- Totally. Lets save the planet by wasting less gas. No homo.
by SomTawyer June 18, 2011
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Bro-job: when people close to you want something you have, but want it at a discounted rate or straight up for nothing. Basically they’ll Bro you into it.
Friend: “Bro-Brutha-My Brutha, do ya think you can get me your price on that stuff I’m tight on cash right now. I know you have bills n shit , but still hook a Brutha up”
You: “Fuck, I just got a Bro-job and didn’t even ask for one”
by C1Tactual August 21, 2018
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What husbands have to resort to when their wives won't "s*ck their d*ck" & "do their wifely duties!" Brojob.
"Hey bro, heard your wife won't do her wifely duties. May I offer you a bro-job?"
by Aquari Mama June 13, 2023
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