Boblox reffers to a parody site of the popular multiplayer game: Roblox, based by the 2020 meme "Bobux"
by NoPlayer69 February 2, 2021
by Xbox360IsBetter March 2, 2021
Boblox is a joke name for the popular game Roblox. It’s mostly used in shitposting like its other counterpart Bobux.
by PotatothatisRussian December 19, 2020
Boblox is Roblox but with 🅱️, because
1: it's funny
2: it come from bobux which has 🅱️ instead of "r" too.
1: it's funny
2: it come from bobux which has 🅱️ instead of "r" too.
by Neon-_- April 24, 2022
by LEGALISE_PIRACY August 6, 2021
by dixedd April 20, 2022