To raise one's legs in the air spread eagle and ask: "Gotcher bilbo?!?"

This must be done by a guy to another guy. It is considered pretty gay.

Oh man, I got bilboed so bad. I will never walk into a bilbo like that again.
by Frilbo Fraggins November 7, 2008
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Gross man, i found a bilbo out in the alley behind your house.
by Bradland May 16, 2010
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Used for the word dildo but only ever used by gays or prudes, but never hardcore lezzes as they have shaved heads and GI in front of their name, therefore obviously not a virgin. They are also confused with German Women
Gay:Can we get a, y'know a Bilbo
by AshMaHomieHater February 21, 2005
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1.That woman over there brings home the bacon because her husband is a bilbo. (snickers heeh hee)
by mista mandalicious March 4, 2005
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An unstoppable force, ring leader of the beri and bori. Often called bilbo beansprout for his notoriously massive knob. Wants over hentai and gets any girl he wants. Instant death upon his touch.
‘Hey did u see how many girls bilbo raped’ here bilbo means he is a rapist
by cannysaylad February 23, 2019
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A man of Hobbit like stature who has all kinds of various adventures that would not normally be attributed someone like him. As a result he becomes revered and has lots of swagger.
Person 1: You hear about how Craig beat down De-Bo, had a three way with Debbie and Joi and got his job back??? All within a week!

Person 2: No way! No way that lil' dude did all that!

Person 1: Yep. Lil dude has more adventers than Bilbo Baggins.

Person 2: He's like Bilbo Swaggins!
by Rile E. Escobar May 2, 2011
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A Hobbit-esqe guy who just happens to be a douche, or likes other dudes.
If you're gonna be a jerk, why don't you just go back to the Shire Bilbo Teabaggins!
by Headexpl0dy October 12, 2009
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