
Great name for great guys.
Bengt loves girls.
by Inca85 August 12, 2009
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A Sexy teacher who loves ze ladies. an unstoppable sex machine.
by Justchilldude April 17, 2018
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A Bengt (Ben-t) is something that is just so unbelievably wholesome that you just can’t stand it.

When someone is a “Bengt” you would crawl to the ends of the earth just to see them smile.
Carson is so wholesome!”

“Yeah! They’re such a Bengt!”
by Rens_corner May 16, 2020
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Bengted out

When you say you are gonna meet up with your friends but not showing up at the last minute....because you need to go shop at IKEA tomorrow.
Chris: So John, what did you get up to last night?

John: Me and Mitun were meant to meet up with Jasper and Dave but they Bengted out!
by scandi shore 2011 July 30, 2011
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Bengt-Åke is always called "Bengan" he is mart as a physics teacher and he loves to draw maps on his sparetime. Next year he will retire and everyone will miss him. He don't care because he is savage as fuck.
- Wow, you are so smart Bengt-Åke
-Yes I know
by Danneboii May 10, 2019
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Bengt Nolinder

"yeet, ur Bengt Nolinder"
by FemenistHannah September 12, 2018
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