When a woman is trying to moon you, but is bent over so far and dropped her pants lower then necessary therefore showing part of her pussy.
Drunk Nicole showed us a beaver moon last night. It was quite nice.
by UrRealDad November 4, 2017
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when a female bends over to show you her vagina and you get a good view of both her ass and her vagina.
That porn star gave us a great beaver moon pose right before the guy railed her from behind.
by mattyhummz April 27, 2011
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This is the name for the full moon in November- has to do with setting beaver traps in the olden days.

Nowadays it means doing the nasty under the moonlight nice and tight, on a cold late night

Or quite the opposite -a natural woman who is so pissed off, she moons you rather than putting out

Or What happens when you set a trap for a hot natural woman
Got myself a frosty full beaver moon, last night behind the subway station, or was that the tool shed--we was so hot I can't recall where the hell we was!
by amesababe2 November 9, 2011
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