Beauty is simple and easy to find
Beauty is plain, and beauty is blind
Beauty is smiling and holding his hand
Beauty is taking a walk in the sand
Beauty is holding him close to your heart
Beauty is never having to be apart
Beauty is knowing that his love is true
Beauty is me, and beauty is you
Beauty is plain, and beauty is blind
Beauty is smiling and holding his hand
Beauty is taking a walk in the sand
Beauty is holding him close to your heart
Beauty is never having to be apart
Beauty is knowing that his love is true
Beauty is me, and beauty is you
by JessieJay13 February 18, 2009
1.An amazing gift usually astounds people and relaxes as well as giving people sort of trance moment in which time stands still as you gaze among somthing so lovely its as if its not of this world and in fact a dream.
2.Also applies to the beauty inside a persons personality,mind, and heart.
2.Also applies to the beauty inside a persons personality,mind, and heart.
by David R. July 16, 2004
“ my girlfriend is beautiful”
by Diretioner💖 March 13, 2021
having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind: a beautiful dress; a beautiful speech.
by Supermaaannnn June 7, 2009
Someone that you find extremely pretty. Someone that you'll always find attractive, even on his/her worst days. You could use this word to describe a guy or girl, but it's usually used for a girl.
by spiderqueen December 12, 2011
byoo-tuh-fuh) Adjective: being Stephanie; a Princess, Pepe,Cute, Fineapple, Eye candy, lovely, Mind blowing, Perfect or of the sweet cheeks nature. 💝❤💏
by Papi-Gordo October 9, 2016