An acronym that stands for "Brotherly Rectum Pal". This phrase generally refers to someone whom is so close to you that they simply share all information, all the time, regardless of context.
Additionally, this might also aid someone who accidentally mispells "bro" with a P at the end instead of an O.
Additionally, this might also aid someone who accidentally mispells "bro" with a P at the end instead of an O.
Phoning a friend:
"Hey man, how are you?"
"Not bad, just on the toilet doing one big, smelly shit."
"Aaawww man, you're such a brp."
"Hey man, how are you?"
"Not bad, just on the toilet doing one big, smelly shit."
"Aaawww man, you're such a brp."
by SamMG July 15, 2012
Beau Ridge Playas. An elite group of young men who party, bullshit and are obessessd with ladies and gambling their money away in poker
by skeetmastaL March 24, 2005
Boogeyman repellent position. It's when your curled up in a blanket with only a small hole to breathe or eat from. Introverts dream zone.
by Golden silence August 30, 2017
by Kingboo178 November 25, 2011
BRP stands for Butt Rape Potential. The term is used to describe the potential butt rape vulnerabilty of a indivual in a certain area. The BRP scale ranges from 1 to 100 based on multiple factors including but not limited to location, time, sketchiness of the surrounding area, number of people in close proximity and clothing (Gym shorts, and no belts increases BRP due to easy access).
Bending over in a prison shower to pick up a bar of soap will increase the BRP (Butt Rape Potential).
by The Mahon August 24, 2011
His LinkedIn profile totally triggers my Birkhölzer-Rejection-Principle (BRP) - it is full of Steve Jobs quotes.
by AliceAlice September 7, 2020