Really overrated rock star with a gay voice and really shitty music. Listen to some real rock like... oh wait rock is gay. METAL BIATCH! \m/\m/
david bowie sounds like a fairy
by ROFLWAFFLE November 10, 2005
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Verb: to manipulate an individual's testicles rapidly, in the manner referencing the actions of David Bowie in the 1986 movie <i>Labyrinth. </i>
See David Bowie contact juggling on youtube.
by Semper Raucus February 25, 2012
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Man-tights worn by superstar, David Bowie in the film Labyrinth. Grey in colour with a feline/leopard texture. They are extremely tight, revealing David Bowies entire, gigantic bulge. Sometimes referred to as David Bowies Labyrinth Bulge.
by ilikenirvana October 28, 2013
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After the death of David Bowie in 2016, the world has gone to to hell in a handbasket. His death was only the beginning.
"Ya know, nothing's been right since Bowie died a couple years ago. So much shit going on."
"Yeah, that's The David Bowie Effect for you..."
by Marshel5AQW November 13, 2018
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Middle class majority public school located in Austin, Texas. Arguably one of the hardest, ugliest, and basically worst schools to go to in all of Austin in terms of many reasons; not to mention the select FEW quality teachers, admins (Who very obviously do not know how to run a student-friendly school), and counselors that work there. Also known for the cocksucker cops who LOVE to ticket and bust students with no intent of wrongdoing for any bullshit reason they very well fucking please. Getting in trouble with the school goes anywhere from having a cell phone out anytime and anywhere during the day for reasons that only a moron prick could understand, to leaving campus as a junior and below being basically forced to eat the shitty food they serve.
As far as the student body is concerned, you'll find that a good portion of the students who go to this school are pretty chill, funny, or enjoyable people. However, the "rest" of the school's population is mostly composed of: immature underclassmen, posers/fake people, douche-bags, total bitches, whores, snitches, wannabe gangsters, annoying people, weird kids, emos, unattractive chicks without a personality, suck-ups, boring/depressing people, etc. as opposed to almost all the rich snob spoiled assholes that go to our hated rival, Westlake.
The bottom line is that, if you wanna get into at least the University of Texas through this school, you better get ready to shoot your social life and happiness right in the head.
Ex. 1
Student 1: Wait, what the fuck? Am I in a prison?

Student 2: No, you're just in Bowie High School

Ex. 2

If you want your GPA to plummet and not get into a good college, Bowie High is the school for you!

Ex. 3

Bowie Upperclassman: Miracles do happen! I finally found a parking spot in this tiny lot that I paid $20 to get, and it only took 4 hours to find one today? That's a new record!!!

Ex. 4

Bowie High: Where even smart people's GPA's go to die.

Ex. 5

In my 4 entire years there, I never saw a legit fist-fight... EVER
by ATX4LIFE May 1, 2010
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A obscure sexual move popularized by repeated viewings of the 1986 film "Labyrinth". It entails dressing up as David Bowie's character Jareth, from the film, and attaching brown dildos (length must exceed 7 inches but be no longer than 13) to the articulatio radiocarpea of both arms. While penetrating both the anus and vagina, "Jareth" must sing "Magic Dance" with the receiving partner singing the goblins' parts. If available, cocaine (slime and snails or puppy dogs' tails are popular substitutes) should be snorted off the lower back of the receiver. This second act is, of course, referred to as a "Lady Stardust".
Nathan: Hey what'd you get Aniston for her birthday?

Aaron: Got her David Bowie's Armadillo and some Lady Stardust bro.

Nathan: Damn that's nasty as fuck my man!

Aaron: Stardust is a hell of a drug.
by Ziggy Cumdust January 11, 2011
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