BBC has two definitions, which are British Broadcast Corporation, and Big Black Cock...
BBC is an acronym, for two definitions, these have two very different meanings.

British Broadcast Corporation is publicly financed broadcasting system in Great Britain, operating under royal charter.
Big Black Cock is much simpler to explain since it explains itself, but for the people that don't get it, it is a large (>6.1 inches = big,), weiner
by Prof. Doc. Doc. Slutter March 6, 2024
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"Wow, she's got a BBC"
by Bellxnd December 28, 2021
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Charles: I have a bbc that is *Points at a lamppost* That size.
Marlon: Bro, ur size is smaller than a pea.
by Punjabi Peanut July 5, 2023
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Jared: "Bro, look at Ash over there, what a BBC."

Chris:"What an absolute tripod."
Vanessa:"An absolute BBC Tripod.."
by AshySlashyUniverse September 22, 2022
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is a trap card which sets your chance to get a grill to zero percent.
i can't stop being rejected by those girls. I think i have the BBC fippu.
by girlsoverfippu9000 February 15, 2018
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