
Ayre is arabic for "best friend". It also means penis depending on its use.
Chou ya ayre kifak ?
by FALAFEL-JOHNY January 17, 2017
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It means you are a very beautiful person in the Lebanese arabic industry.
Your a ayre human
by Kus umak May 12, 2020
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its an arabic expression that means: "my penis"... it is one of the most used expressions in the arabic language mostly by Rafic.
kifak ya ayre?
ayre bshaklak
Put my ayr in your ears call it ayrpods -rafic
by Jnoubi December 2, 2019
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Is a fluxus being who attracts all the ladies, no-one can resist ayrist charms. He is often cock-blocked though by johnson.
woah look he is such an ayre so cool so smooth i want him and his crazy fluxus ways
by thegamewinner August 29, 2009
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A big black man who has a small cock but thinks there Johnny sins
Why you such a ayre?
by xxhype89 Xbox May 29, 2020
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its an arabic expression that means: "my penis"... it is one of the most used expressions in the arabic language.
kifak ya ayre?
ayre bshaklak
ntek fek 3an ayre
by GeorgeGeorge April 5, 2012
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