Avril Lavinge

Avril Lavigne is one of the world's BEST musicians ever. Her music rox and she can play the guitar very well. She is not a poser.
by guitarist92 May 3, 2005
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Avril Lavinge

The world's worst singer. She can't sing and can't play guitar. She also looks like trash with bleached blonde hair and wears really ugly clothes.
Avril is an example of a shitty "singer" if you could even call her a singer.
by someone April 6, 2005
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Avril Lavinge

She has bad songs and stuff. She would be a much better porn star. She has some cock-teasing pics on the net but that is it.
Dude, Avril should so do a porn site or do playboy or something. I'd pay for that!
by porn! April 9, 2005
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Avril Lavinge

Best singer ever. She's very honest with herself and with her fans. She has a great voice and can play the guitar, tha piano and a little drums. She's simply the best star on the world, and also the most gourgeous one. Britney wishes she could be as pretty and talented as her.
No one can deny that Avril is the best!
by BeLuS May 2, 2005
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Avril Lavinge

A horrid singer who kids go around saying they love and that she's punk. They then start hearing she's a poseur and start saying they hate her.

Who cares whatever the hell she is, she just blows all together and her voice sounds like she's dieing...
Kid 1: Yeah, Avril is so punk! I love her!
Kid 2: Are you kidding me? She's sucks!

A day later...

Kid 1: I hate Avril she's such a poseur and she sucks!
by Highly Evolved March 29, 2005
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Avril Lavinge

Avril lavinge claims to be "punk" but punk is not just a style of music, it is also a lifestyle. She doesnt follow the lifestyle
by damagedroses04 May 12, 2004
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Avril Lavinge

a POSEUR! she claims to be "punk" but uh..sorry sweetie..have you listened to your own music??!? and people that arent really into punk but are into the mainstream stuff think theyr punk just cuz they like her and think that all "punks" like her..i wouldnt care if she KNEW that she was a POP STAR..but she cant even fuckin spell BOY you LOSER! and made "sk8er" popular but doesnt mean its cool buy anyways..
"Hi my name is avril lavigne and im a stupid ass canadian poseur who cant spell and used to wear ties but doesnt anymore because people copied me or so i thought becuase i actually copied them but the stupid little poseur teens dont know that and they think theyr cool just because they wear ties and have my stupid t shirts and my stupid cd's n crap"
by me March 11, 2005
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