When taking a poop, the poop "breaks up" on "reentry" and leaves a notable splash for every chunk.
"Dude I had a total asteroid poop back there. I had to wipe my ass four times to get all of the water off."
by Blood_Sweat_'n_Tears February 28, 2014
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A unique and fully operational impact protection kit (a hardhat). As a bonus, the cheap plastic is designed to melt away in post impact heat preventing you from having to remove the armor manually.
Dude - is that a huge asteroid coming through the atmosphere? Holy crap it is! Put on this Asteroid Armor!
by Jimmy Geddon Gear February 1, 2009
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A group of slow-driving cars in a steady pattern, especially on the Interstate. Also see asteroid.
I had to pull over three lanes to get around that asteroid field!
by Whitebred April 4, 2004
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It is a commonly used addition to Bill Haley's "in a while alligator"
...see ya later alligator
...in a while crocidile
... see ya later alligator
... in a void asteroid....
by KiwiOz June 28, 2006
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(adj.) A class of weapon powerful enough to threaten humanitys' future as much as an asteroid, similar to that which supposedly killed the dinosaurs.
by Gumba Gumba May 24, 2004
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Located in the Hoth system is a chaotic asteroid field filled with dangerous swarms of colliding rocks. Stray bodies from the field get caught in Hoth's gravity well, and enter the ice planet's atmosphere, becoming meteorites.

If the threat of being crushed by massive asteroids is not enough to deter the most foolhardy pilot, the asteroid field is also home to dangerous lifeforms. At least one unbelievably huge space slug has made a home out of one of the larger asteroids. Furthermore, the field is infested by mynocks, leathery-winged energy parasites that attach themselves to passing ships and then chew on the power cables.

The odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field are approximately 3,720 to 1. Han Solo, never being too concerned with the odds, recklessly plunged the Millennium Falcon into the field to escape Imperial pursuit after the Battle of Hoth.
by not a starwars geek December 1, 2004
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Located in the Hoth system is a chaotic asteroid field filled with dangerous swarms of colliding rocks. Stray bodies from the field get caught in Hoth's gravity well, and enter the ice planet's atmosphere, becoming meteorites.

If the threat of being crushed by massive asteroids is not enough to deter the most foolhardy pilot, the asteroid field is also home to dangerous lifeforms. At least one unbelievably huge space slug has made a home out of one of the larger asteroids. The field is infested by mynocks, leathery-winged energy parasites that attach themselves to passing ships and then chew on the power cables.

The odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field are approximately 3,720 to 1. Han Solo, never being too concerned with the odds, recklessly plunged the Millennium Falcon into the field to escape Imperial pursuit after the Battle of Hoth.
by Official_SW Definitions_ December 5, 2004
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