A mental disorder (I think that's the right term) which is basically a milder form of autism. It varies from person to person.

It has many symptoms, but if you call them that, instead of the more PC, "tendancies" then you are automatically an asshole.
Some tendencies include:
Being awesome at math (because rain man says we are).
Not being able to make jokes (or friends).
Unintentionally acting like an asshole, even though we may spend a lot of time trying to act like what normal people do, 'n stuff.
Apparently choosing to be like this.
Getting bullied.
Being bullies.
Having our parents being blamed for our condition.
Being told that our problems aren't as bad or important as those faced by people with high functioning autism, even though the main difference is the time we start speaking.
Having to deal with idiots who self diagnose because they dont like being around people all the time.
Using our diagnosis as a "get out of jail free" card.
Liking MLP.
Zach: "hello, how are you"
Aspie Aaron: "I'm alright"
Z: "what a fucking dick!"
AA: "I'm sorry, I have asperger's syndrome, I'm not to good at conversations."
Z: "Now you're using your diagnosis as an excuse?"
AA: "No, I was just explaining..."
Z: "What a fucking dick!
by That damn aspie! September 5, 2015
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A neurological disorder that only 5-7% of the people diagnosed actually have. Most people who claim to have this disorder are just socially awkward teenagers who have parents with little willpower who didn't force them to socialize when they were young and let them play N64 all day.

Like ADHD in the 90's and the early 00's, Asperger's Syndrome has become the chic diagnosis of today that parents accept so that they don't have to face the fact that they failed as parents.

Doctors and Psychiatrists also refuse to speak up because they typically receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their products, making the probability of over diagnosis high.

Some annoying qualities of Aspies include:

- Bragging about having a mild form of autism

- Pretending that Autism automatically means "genius" and that they should be allowed to play xbox all day without any responsibility because they could do great things, but choose not to

- Sitting in the back of class writing Yu-Gi-Oh fan fiction and mumbling about "conformists"

- Thinking creativity means regurgitating things they see on TV verbatim

- Writing walls of text about how every mathematician, astronomer, artist, musician and world leader in human history had Asperger's
Aspies are supposed to be so much smarter and more creative than us mere mortals, yet they all copy-paste the same wikipedia definition of Asperger's Syndrome on Urban Dictionary without looking to see if anyone else has done it yet.
by vT3x January 12, 2012
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A form of higher functioning autism. Generally, victims or of average to above average intelligence, most notably being both creative and extremely gifted in subjects which require logical thought such as mathematics. While academically Asperger's Syndrome sufferers excel, their development of social skills is limited. Generally, a victim will lack the words to say something, the inclination to say something or the guts to say what they feel, often too nervous or intimidated to enter conversation. In addition, they despise eye contact, dislike being hugged and value their personal space. Some may have seemingly odd habits such as flapping their hands, but not all. Also, narrow and somewhat peculiar hobbies are common. Those with AS tend to have an extremely active or extremely passive lifestyle, lack of self esteem, problems sleeping, generaly use very informal, complex language during conversation and, unlike loners, actually wish to fit in.
Bill Gates has Asperger's Syndrome, and there is believed to be a strong possibility that Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein also had this form of autism.

While trying to be modest, I do have above average intelligence, excelling in logical thinking subjects such as mathematics and philosophy. Whenever I want to say something I never know the way how, just shutting up and listening to the rest of the conversation. I try to avoid eye contact, often viewing it as a sign of impoliteness for me to make eye contact with someone walking by, dislike being hugged and apparently (according to old school reports, not my memory) attacked other children who invaded my space at the age of 5. I do not have any odd habits, but odd hobbies such as breakdancing and drawing anime art. I have an extremely passive lifestyle (in laymen's terms, im a lazy sod), low confidence, sleeping problems, use large polysyllabic words in general conversation and, like an Asperger's Syndrome sufferer, wish to fit in. I probably have Asperger's.
by SuXEed October 13, 2005
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A state of mental existence often misdiagnosed as a disorder. Though this is probably to be expected, as people who do not benefit from Asperger's were the ones who decided to call it one. Asperger's is a form of high-functioning autism that has effects such as the ability to focus intently and a level of logical thinking that almost rivals computers. Asperger's people also have a lower tendency to care about social interactions and graces, which is likely why neurotypicals (normal folks, often abbreviated NT) consider them disabled.
Asperger's is no more a disorder than sleep is. If anything, the mind of an Asperger's individual is more organized than a normal person's.
by Sky Render April 4, 2005
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Asperger's syndrome is a disease that is a mild variant of autism. "Aspies" tend to have the same social, organizational, and sensory difficulties as other autistic individuals, but their intelligence, communication and developmental abilities are not as affected by their disease as their peers. They also may exibit the same symptoms as their peers with ADD or ADHD (concentration, tendency to create errors due to speed, etc). Many adults that were simply "daydreamers" are now believed or known to be diagnosed with this disease. Many are NOT emotionally disturbed and may go on to lead sucessful (college, job, family, independant) lives.
Some of the greatest human minds are believed to be autistic; Albert Einstien and Thomas Edison are among them. Asperger's syndrome also affects the lives of many non-famous people.
by Jessica B February 19, 2006
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A commonly undiagnosed disorder in which a subject must go through life trapped in an emotional minefield of their own creation. Too many disasterous mistakes resulting from the subject's attempts to interact with the landscape surrounding them will usually result in a severely decreased will to act at all in any obviously expressable manner in particular, sometimes manifested as cold social apathy. Within this socially crippled state, the mind seems to mysteriously compensate by responding with a defense mechanism of intensely attuned perceptive sensitivity and analytical prowess which borders on obsessiveness. Because of this, subjects may often be viewed as highly irritable, insanely complex, or at times annoyingly condescending and arrogant.
You feel trapped in the endless frustration of existing in an environment which is unable to comprehend your inability to understand the inexplicable mystery behind what moves them on a seemingly basic level
by qwertie March 2, 2005
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Brain scans show it to be very, very real. People with Asperger's are also more prone to autoimmune disorders like Lupus and Diabetes.
My brother has Asperger's Syndrome.
by Howard P December 18, 2007
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