Something I need at the present moment.

Especially after seeing something that I dislike.
Anger management.

Person 1: Talk about my sister, brother, cousin, friend, one more time and see what happens to you!

Person 2: Damn, looks like she needs some anger management.

Person 1: No, maybe if you would just get a life and stfu.
by hilarity and such April 21, 2013
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A commonly misused phrase, used to describe someone with anger issues. Used after the film of the same name came out.
by Twatty McGee October 10, 2010
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When a person manages to stay angry throughout their life- no matter which direction it is taking
No matter how her life is going, she is always pissed off! She's a case of anger management, if I've ever heard one.....
by Meadow Soprano November 17, 2005
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The kind of therapy one goes to when he/she finds that everyone hates them, typically on-sight.
"I have no idea why they hate me so much. We've never even talked."
"Maybe you need to go to reverse anger-management".
"Good idea. It's not like this is the first time it's happened".
by Haydoom July 30, 2009
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v. Organising one's life so as to be first to listen to the new Rolling Stones song or, by extension, any faddish piece of pop culture.

Dude! I can't get married this weekend;: I'll be too totally involved in Anger management.

Court order or peer pressure?
by gnostic3 September 14, 2023
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