by Echohasmuchecho January 14, 2021
A white edgy 12 year old who
- Tries hard for attention
- Depends on the internet and his mom for stuff and arguements
- Shoots Up the school
- Crys and lies for every little thing
- Rages for every little thing
- Also happens to trade his friends for his coolness
- Tries hard for attention
- Depends on the internet and his mom for stuff and arguements
- Shoots Up the school
- Crys and lies for every little thing
- Rages for every little thing
- Also happens to trade his friends for his coolness
by Danny Amudola February 2, 2016
At first glance at their facade, they seem to be quite distanced, cold, boring and sometimes 'weird' but under this, there is a person who is willing to help you with every one of his ability, a person who can talk and be talked to, understand your needs and wants as well as being able to describe his own in order to meet a compromise and most importantly, being dependable at times when you need help.
The one I know of currently, has a great smile that would even make you smile at one of your days, a good listening ability, deep and emotive eyes that express more than his face which he constantly hides (besides his smile) and a great sense of humour that many would assume he didnt have.
He's definitely one of the people whom many people would like once they enter an Adams' sphere where they would understand why he is the way he is.
The one I know of currently, has a great smile that would even make you smile at one of your days, a good listening ability, deep and emotive eyes that express more than his face which he constantly hides (besides his smile) and a great sense of humour that many would assume he didnt have.
He's definitely one of the people whom many people would like once they enter an Adams' sphere where they would understand why he is the way he is.
by warsonwords_right November 15, 2011
by adamwhereismymoney-love rowan September 13, 2019