Alexander is the name you give to the child you hate the most. Combine it with Arberg and it is truly a weak and horrible person.
is that Alexander, we should probably go the other way?
no that's Alexander Arberg.
oooh damn, we should run.
by nico188f October 12, 2020
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Alexander scares me but that's a' okay. He's awesome. I draw him to often but whatever. He has some really nice brown eyes they curve at the bottom. He has some lips that are mostly frowning. He has a pretty normal nose. Cheekbones.. He has half eyebrows due to a catastrophe that happened on call. Jk. Anyway. He used to have blonde hair, then black, then half black half red, now back to black.He cut his hair recently. He is abt 6'2. Tol boy vibes amirightHe has large hands and I still try to compete even though my hands are definitely smaller. His nails could cut a bitch though. He often wears black Hoodies and tripaloski sweats. He also wears a lot of black shorts with this certain grey long sleeve, he tucks it in at the front bottom. He also wears a headband (cloth that goes around his forehead. Stoopid.) he wears combat boots. He recently got some vans and drew a barbed wire pattern on them. He liked our friends mom- He lives with his grandparents who are nice but usually aren't home. He once tried to scream til he lost his voice. it didn't work *cries*. He has two dogs, trouble and the other one I'm not sure about the name. Trouble is an inside dog and his other isnt. He also had chickens for a while. He also has these cross earings, recently he pierced his ear by himself as well. His old tiktok got banned sucks. He has a boyfriend named evan who is a perfect match for him. Absolutely perfect. They are the best couple. Fight me on that, bet.

I have a nickel
Alexander likes dark things.
Alexander is not emo.

Alexander is a boy, so help me if you misgender him I will end you.
by Kxydenzugly September 7, 2019
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A guy who is red neck shooter.Will do everything, to be a dick to everyone he meets. Has no friends ,and mentally screwed.
by morriscode12345 January 1, 2019
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If you were born in with this name you were probably depressed at a point in your life
Alexander why are you depressed
by Greg mccreamy December 6, 2018
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A complete idiot that always seems to find a way to ruin absolutely everything. He may think he is helpful but he is just good at making everything worse. If you meet an Alexander walk the opposite way.
Guy 1: "I just met a retard."

Guy 2: "Must've been an Alexander
by $ssssss May 19, 2019
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That guy you'd like to have sex with who smokes a lot of pot.
Friend: How are things going with Alexander?

Me: They aren't. Can't get a hold of him because he's always fucking stoned.
by DatHonestKid November 5, 2012
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He is a son of a Bitch who likes impersonating people on Snapchat and is jealous cause someone rejected him he is trying to rip a friendship apart with her friend and I know if you reading this Alexander/Ashley fuck you bitch oh you remember ihatesandraa like your fr butt hurt like STFU
Oh I think this is a fake Snapchat account I think it’s Alexander
by Ihatealexandrr August 13, 2019
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