Over the course of a day, go out and eat a bunch of different foods. Preferably un-healthy, turd influencing foods like white castle, taco bell, etc. Make sure to mix it up. Let it set for a while then go to someones house that you want to surprise with a specail gift. Take a dump in the master bathroom, do not flush, and close the lid. Then leave the house. The next person to open the lid gets the "box of chocolates" meaning, they never know what they're going to get.
My ex-girlfriend dumped me so I gave her a specail box of chocolates.
by coolrob March 26, 2010
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where you poop and each droplet is a different color brown. an assortment of chocolate pieces
that was a large box of chocolate poop, i think i even had a caramel filled one.
by miguel March 8, 2005
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Box of Chocolates is a name given to a phenomenon often encountered on the Internet, be it in dating services, Myspace, college forums like Campusblender.com, or anywhere where users can submit a picture of themselves for viewing. Box of chocolates refers to a picture submitted by one of these users that lacks captioning to inform the viewer of which person in the picture they are.

The coining of this term references a 1994 film adaptation, Forrest Gump, wherein the main character Forrest is sitting on a bench next to someone, and conveys to them a lesson of life that his mother taught him: "Life is like a box of chocolates: You never know what you're going to get." And much like that box of chocolates, when looking at the group picture of this individual, you never know which one you're dealing with, be it the hot chick, or one of her fattie friends surrounding her, making her look good by proxy.
"Maaan, got a Box of Chocolates here..."

"Seriously, dude, I hope for your sake it's not the one with the hooked nose..."
by Professor Dookie January 29, 2007
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A saying used in Forrest Gump to compare life to a box of chocolates, in the sense that you never know what's in store for you.
"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." -Forrest Gump; a line from the movie
by TheDoctorsCompanion November 22, 2010
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It doesn't last long if you're fat
Karen reported Jimmy to the authorities after he said "you're life is like a box of chocolates, it won't last long because you're fat". Jimmy is on trial currently. F in the chat for Jimmy.
by bigdaddythemadlad January 24, 2020
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Apparently the real movie line, despite the fact that "Life is like a box of chocolates" is written plainly on the movie sleeve.
Person 1: mama always said, "life is like a box of chocolates--"
Person 2: life WAS like a box of chocolates!
by JaileyHones January 21, 2017
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1. Fecal matter that was once lodged within the vagina of it's creator.
2. "When poo from my poodie-poodie slides down and gets stuck in my box."
husband: I hungy
wife: what for?
husband: chocolate
wife: I have chocolate
husband: what kind do you have?
wife: box chocolate
by boxchocolate March 9, 2017
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