When you’re trying to spell shit but you misspell it
Tom: Hey did you look up Shit on Urban Dictionary?
Brad: No I spelled ahit on accident
by Broskyguy May 2, 2019
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noun (adj. form: ahitty)
1. An immense feeling of failure.
2. A shittier “shit”!
1. An exclamation used when something has been fucked up.

Origin. A misspelling of “shit”
Guy 1: Dude, you look super depressed.
Guy 2: I’ve just been feeling like ahit, that’s all.

Guy: *drops phone* AHIT!!
by human-on-the-internet October 13, 2017
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a super sexy guy who you would totally smash, also has pretty strong muscles and would shag your nan
by yourmum7562 January 27, 2022
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