by Pussylicker1889 November 30, 2018
Andrew: "Hey, did you hear about Anthony getting a girlfriend?
Tyler: "What the fuck is a girlfriend"
Tyler: "What the fuck is a girlfriend"
by Quack3rs November 1, 2019
You: i'll never get a girlfriend
by TheNiftoFox May 24, 2016
by March 17, 2021
mystical creature whose known powers range from clairvoyancy to being able to bleed for a week without dying. a person to have on your side.
by xaeneta July 28, 2003
a female who you love, admire, respect, and desire to be with; a girl who makes you laugh, smile and realize what true happiness is; your perfect match; a girl who goes from best friend, to teammate, to partner in crime all in one day; a woman who brings out the best in you; your favorite lady.
by a. fox July 23, 2007