It is a kind of working hours policy in some IT relevant companies. It means working from 9 am to 9 pm every day and 6 days per week. It originally came from Alibaba.
by maxpeng September 16, 2016
by Big Robert February 21, 2005
by Adrian Krynski November 11, 2003
When a couple has sex directly next to another person, (eg. in a bed, tent, car etc.) and the other person has to face away and pretend they aren’t awake.
“Last night I went over to Olivia’s house and her boyfriend was there too and they 996’d me!”
“Did you tell them to stop!?”
“No, that would have been awkward, I pretended to be asleep!”
“Did you tell them to stop!?”
“No, that would have been awkward, I pretended to be asleep!”
by Ashnkel November 29, 2020
In one episode of Pimp My Ride, host Xzibit can be seen wearing a black t-shirt with silver lettering which declares, quite enigmatically, "996 + 4 = 1000".
by awyeahz July 1, 2006
This is the fighter jet off of Grand Theft Auto 5. This is not to be confused with the new Hydra jet from the Heists update. This is a normal fighter jet. It has missiles, lock-on missiles, and a machine gun cannon with explosive rounds. It is found in Fort Zancudo.
by RachelNorton22 March 13, 2015