The first three digits of a 7-digit telephone number used in the Twin Cities (Uhrichsville-Dennison). Also used as a moniker for anyone living in the area. Normally called a 922er.
In trouble dial 911, want trouble dial 922.
by arcanezero May 8, 2010
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When you are struggling to hold in a poo and it has reached emergency status. A 911 for your #2. See also emergenturd
Darren - I had chili for lunch. I've got a 922 on its way.

Brent - Do you have a turtlehead?
by Rani115 August 24, 2015
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When you have to poop and it's an emergency. 911 (emergency) #2 (poop)
Hey, can you fill in for me? I've got a 922 brewing!
by Rani115 July 29, 2015
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922 is the numbers you press on a mobile phone with dictionary on, to get WAA.
stop having a 922 bitch!
by suchislife February 5, 2010
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Ironbru hall of fame
I gotta win I need 921 out of 922 pellets ouch does it hurt
by Cody5050 January 27, 2022
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The number of BB's inside Kaelen Cody William Granger
922 may be the new 911 legally
by Cody5050 January 25, 2022
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I love your Smile
The Intelligence

That sense of Humor
Your Voice, Your Look

You Inspire me
You make me Feel
Intense, Visceral
Highs and Lows

I want to run my hand

Through your hair
Touch your face
Put my head

In the crook

of your neck
Feel your heart

against mine

I want to grip you, feel you,
never let you go
I want you to feel me, hold me

and never let me go

Heart mind and soul.
by Amie 13 July 25, 2024
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