A terrific attack on America on September 11th 2001 were four planes crashed killing almost 3000 people 2 crash into the World Trade Center 1 into the pentagon one into shanksville which was thought to be targeted at the capital building or the White House
9/11 is very heart renching
by Suck my pencil February 9, 2019
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Forget the fucking terrorist attacks! Setember 11 is my birthday, and I'll be damned that little thing gets in the way of my time of the year. Quit the mourning and celebrate me you fuckers!
Do you really think I give a shit about a city that lost only about .00017 of its total population?
by Another Asshole May 31, 2005
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when god played jenga by himself and failed horribly after 2 turns
god - okkkayy.......... *crash* SHITTTT

this example includes "9/11" as requested by urbandictionary
by Hawaiian Dicking May 9, 2009
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1. The biggest 'fuck you' America has ever recieved.
2. When men became heroes.
9/11 ...Damn... They killed 3,000 people to say fuck you...
by Wompa One July 12, 2006
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A synonym for "hahahaha" or "lol". 9/11 = .8181818181, and since "H" is the 8th letter of the alphabet and "A" is the 1st, 9/11 = "hahahahaha".
Bro: Shawn Johnson can be cute sometimes but other times looks like a dude that got his face teabagged 24/7 in the gobi desert.

Dude: 9/11!!!!!!!
by 4rch August 16, 2008
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When you think you're done for the night after 1 round at the bar, but come back for a second.
Tom: hey how was last night at the bar
Hank: I thought I was done with 1 round but pulled a 9/11
by IMJesus775 April 1, 2018
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9/11 is just CGI to trick you into thinking that a bomb can and not alived people, so what people died in that it is just people government officials trying to trick you into thinking this real, the people who flew the plane are very good acters, my name is Nathaniel Reddnehcton and i love lasagna.

9/11 IS FAKE
by d i c h e a d 6 9 October 9, 2018
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