area code. the valley of los angeles including valley west and east (from glendale to calabasis). where poor minority gang members and rich white people live under the same number.
by hoho July 2, 2003
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"The Valley" -- the San Fernando Valley that encompasses the northern portion of the City of Los Angeles (although it constantly wants to secede). Known for Valley Girls ("yeah, like gag me with a spoon... as if!"), the Galleria and a climate significantly hotter than the other side of the hill and thus rivaling Hell. Also the porn capital of the Western Hemisphere.
"My girlfriend is a figure model in the 818. So no future, but at least the sex is good."
by Michelle September 27, 2003
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San Fernando Valley. Los Angeles, California. Where you can find the richest to the poorest people all in one area.A place that used to be safe 30 years ago but now has crips,bloods, and mexican gangs (even in the west valley now). Where you can find some of the realest and the fakest people you will ever meet.

-Filled with drama, fine girls, money,sunshine, fights, crooked cops, the best OG Kush, pornstars.
LA local:"Yeah i rolled up the party puffin a blunt in my benz and saw some crips and bloods set trippin, so i went back to my mansion to fuck some pornstar before I got shot"

Person:"Dam what a fucked up place.Im gonna have to come down to the 818 this summer, sounds dope."
by california bone collector April 1, 2010
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818 - (n) An area code in the San Fernando Valley ("the Valley") area of the Los Angeles, north of the Santa Monica Mountains.

The area code was featured, in a somewhat derogatory manner, in the movies Go and Swingers.

People (likely due to its use in Go), will sometimes use it to refer to someone going apeshit.

Dude, no need to go all 818 on me.
by davidb July 21, 2006
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818 refers to the area code that primarily covers the 260 square miles of the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, California. The area is bounded by the Santa Susana Mountains (northwest), Simi Hills (west), Santa Monica Mountains and Chalk Hills (south), Verdugo Mountains (east), and the San Gabriel Mountains (northeast).

Area code 818 was created in a split from area code 213 on January 7, 1984.
"My number is 818-......"

"Oh, you live in The Valley!"
by ford77_22 January 10, 2018
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Chinese internet slang.
Similar to how, due to the sound of the pronunciation in Mandarin 666 is slang for "Awesome" or "Super smooth" (six, and smooth sounding pretty much identical in the language) 818 is a slang term for 2 people who are close to each other, usually implying a romantic connotation. (Usually online)
For example:
Heard that there's some sparks flying between those two. Have you heard if they've made progress? Give me the gossip on their 818.
by .Justaguy June 25, 2022
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Area code in the San Fernando Valley in California. "Tweaker Valley" lots of crystal meth is made and used here.
Hey bro lets go to the 818 and partyy.
by sweetness. June 25, 2011
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