the 503 is the northern oregon area code, 503 generally means the portland metro area. the hood in portland is called the N.E.P.
those ho's in the 503 are sick
by mr.frantastic July 11, 2006
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just 503, solo 503, te amo wawi

by kyoskas June 25, 2021
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a code meaning service not available. or when a website is temporarily unavailable.
i got error 503 when i tried going on this one site.
by nobody else here April 25, 2017
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503 comin' at chu, mothafuckas!
by anonymous February 18, 2005
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I misunderstood your message
Please be a pest to me :)
Hate that I missed you. Why only riddles on UD?

We're both busy, and we don't have to hide from each other
Not sure you understand how much I want to see you, to know you
My only agenda is to feel what it is like to be around each other
Doesn't require a long conversation (any conversation?) or physical contact
I will try to not make you uncomfortable with my directness

I'm super nervous to see you
It's been a while and I can't possibly live up to your perception of me

I have such deep feelings for you, I want to starting know each other
We've held back and kept serious, half-pretend
What if we find we're not compatible? Or what if we find something amazing?

Both kind of scare me, but I need to know if this only lives online.

Need to see if we can be that vulnerable, if we can be safe
If you want to give me something, when you are ready, the best gift would be to contact me outside of UD

Every time I see something from or about you I want to explode
You looked so good in recent one, screenshot now hidden on my phone
Eloquent and meaningful but I was totally distracted by your eyes, lips, neck...

It used to make some sense to go through this alone, it doesn't now. We can talk or message, please
503 Maybe stupid, but I wanted to be there
I looked for you
by RainyDay_ November 2, 2023
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The code used when someone plants a shit on you.
"Oh man I woke up on this balcony one time with a shit in my pants, but I swear it wasn't mine!"
"Oh dude! You've been 503'd!"
by S Madden July 6, 2015
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Watson 503

A generic version of Lorcet. 10mgs hydrocodone - 650mgs APAP.

Green in color and a very good pain killer.

I cut my own arm off the other day so I could go to the doctor and get some Watson 503!
by TheeeeGod March 16, 2009
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