Alexandria , Shreveport , Monroe , Grambling , Natchitoches , Cheneyville , Boyce , Marksville , Pineville,Louisiana
by LOVE JONES318 July 9, 2004
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I love you…❤️“
by Wanderlust_721 September 9, 2023
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Someone born in the 318 area of louisiana. (Shreveport, West Monroe, Ruston)
"Hey where was you born?"
"Ima 318 baby nigga!!"
by Metalhead_S10_copenhagen April 29, 2016
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Cockroaches will be using the 318 engine when all the humans are dead.
by Tris1234 July 4, 2008
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My heart has been broken to a fool that never saw my worth. I will move on.
318 - Move on I have…
by pinKaDot1234 April 16, 2024
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