by Jessica corbett November 11, 2019
by Mills2618 October 27, 2020
October 27th is the day the best/hottest/swaggiest/ person in the world was born I know that cause That’s when i was born 😩🤠 oh and they just happen to be a Scorpio so look out ig
by Swaggypersonduh May 2, 2021
October 27th is international punch Ryan in the dick day. Today it is encouraged that you punch anyone named Ryan in the dick.
by dillydilly1322 October 27, 2020
Guys give girls there hoodie for 1 day. on October 27th girls get a guys hoodie that they HAVE TO wear the entire day. Boys Do it or u got a wittle itty bitty teeny tiny baby dick.
by MiNeCrAfT.GoD69 October 18, 2019
by Cute patootie October 28, 2019
October 27th is a good day
by Jeffery keffery October 13, 2021