Someone or something described as having the most swag. Synonyms include awesome, best, most swell, most gangster, greatest.
by i love chuck October 6, 2011
by DrunkJohnCena June 27, 2021
Swaggiest clouds is the highest level of swag available, currently the ownly one with enough swag is someone called “Azreal” online
Get the the swaggiest person ever mug.
"someone told me bat is swagger today!"
"woah they must be a swaggiest best most amazing human alive"
"woah they must be a swaggiest best most amazing human alive"
by wriglae December 31, 2021
Found on Tiktok making bad videos for bad people who also ate clay once! Very swaggy (as the name suggests) Moss’s natural habitat is under your couch so watch out
If you give it cheese it will do a lil dance! And maybe gift you with a rock
If you give it cheese it will do a lil dance! And maybe gift you with a rock
by ThePhantomOpera June 14, 2022