Boy: Hey, you're perfect ;)
Girl: Thanks... do I know you?
Boy: Wanna play 20 questions? You'll get to know me then ;)
Girl: Thanks... do I know you?
Boy: Wanna play 20 questions? You'll get to know me then ;)
by ,GWENYLAWHEMMO, May 22, 2016
I went out with friends last night and came home very late. When I got home I got given 20 questions.
by thegrimreaper March 26, 2005
1:Clayton is such a 20 Questions, he getting on my damn nerves
1:I know I'm a 20 questions, it's fun.
1:I know I'm a 20 questions, it's fun.
by Coletin January 9, 2009
by damndanielsvans May 3, 2016
when someone asks way too many question like when u are @ the poice station and they ask you questions.
by slangologist November 30, 2004
One who asks too many questions. This person will not stop asking you questions until you tell them to fuck off. Typically 20 Question is someone who's name begins with a P or D.
by Sauceeee April 23, 2015