1- Impossibly Ugly- Nobody is this ugly

2- Lowest Ugly- Very Very Ugly. Only about 1-2 percent of the population is this ugly
3- Plain Ugly- Someone who was born ugly

4- Unattractive- someone who is still ugly but not horrendously ugly.
5- Average- someone who is neither ugly or attractive and just “fits in”

6- Slightly Above Average- someonewho you aren’t necessarily attracted to but is above what is considered average.

7- Cute/ adorable- No Major Features but is still attractive. Mildly Attractive
8- Good Looking/ Pretty- Someone most people would consider attractive. They have a nice face, and are relatively in shape.

8.5- Handsome/ Beautiful- Almost Everone agrees they are attractive and are genetically blessed. They are basically very good looking. Someone that is/ looks like they should model are in this category.
9- Hot- someone you’d want to smash in an instant. They have a banging body, and a handsome/ beautiful face. A nine can become an 8.5 if they stop working out.

9.1- 9.9- Gorgeous- This person has 99 percent of everything going for them. These are usually pagent girls, or the male equivalent. They scream HOTTTT, and are so desirable. Just like a 2, very very few people can be in this category.

10- Perfection- Something that is possible unlike a 1, and has the same physical traits as a 9.9 but are super sweet, loyal, and not a gold digger.
The 1-10 rating scale is all subjective, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
by Chad Wellington the 3rd January 2, 2019
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Basically the same as female and male hotness scale but has to do with how big, round, jiggly or fat ur ass is

1- flat ass or silicon

2- pretty much nothing but a little bump
3- a little bigger
4- alittle jiggly
5- sort of round not very fat or jiggly
6- rounder not very big or jiggly
7- very round pretty jiggly
8- round, big and makes guys hard
9- queen of all asses
10- sweet jesus the mf god of all asses no chemicals or nothing
Ashton- Nigga did u see that ass
Jordan-That ass was so fake, only like a 2 on the ass scale (1-10)
by urfuckingsuperb November 9, 2016
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the 1-10 attractiveness scale is a symmetrical density curve in which the mean is 5. As you move further away from the mean (5), fewer and fewer people meet those numbers. Thus, that 10 you're looking for is really just as rare as you think.
Greg: yo, where does Cathie fall on the 1-10 attractiveness scale?

Bill: Honestly, she's one in a million, gotta be an 8.
by hobbitswithtophats September 15, 2016
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Rape me 1-10 is an image based meme that is commonly reposted in "Goofy Ahh" communities and videos. The original video most likely from tiktok, features a black kid with his tongue out with the caption "Rape me 1-10", Rate being the obvious misspelling.

Though some people use it as a joke.
Friend 1: Hey do you like my fit? Rape me 1-10
Friend 2: 7.5
Friend 1: I meant rate me 1-10
Friend 2: 8
by q1z September 27, 2022
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The rating that high schoolers and above use to rate each other based on attractiveness and other factors. Variations of this technique are:

Body, Face

Body, Face, personality
From 1-10 how good does jennifer look?

From 1-10 how bad do you want to fuck Lacey?

I'm bored, you want to use the 1 - 10 technique on Kayla?

That's basically what the 1-10 technique is
by SoapSolo September 24, 2016
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A rating given by lollers to lols. The higher the lollenger level reached, the more respect the loller receives from other lollers and also from the teachers at the lollenger academy. A level 10 will almost certainly be followed by a lolcano (an eruption of lols). Only two lolenger level 10's have been verified by the top lolenger scientists in lolsville, lol-land.
Bill: That joke was a lolenger level 7.34!!
Bob: I know man, i got a lolorgasm from that!
Bill: LOL! What a lollenger level 1-10!
by Lollsville Scientist January 22, 2009
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A rating scale in which a female receives up to 3 points for the area from feet to hips, up to 3 points for hips to shoulder, up to 3 points for shoulder to head, and 1 point for your own personal preference.
Cody's mom gets a 9 on the female 1-10 scale, she'd get a 10 if her eyes were closer together
by Omalley71 September 30, 2016
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