A rapper who’s known for being apart of xo and multiple hits like freshman list and beibs in the trap
Friend : have you heardnavs” new song ?
Me : yeah it’s fire
by Iced out chittars July 17, 2018
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The greatest rapper of all time, he is a real life God, he is holier than Jesus Christ himself. Nobody even comes close to this mans talent, skill, and singing. People have tried to come for him but they can’t because he is just too great. Every single day of my life i spend 12 hours listening to and praising God, and not the one who died on a crucifix. His freestyles are incredible and 100x better than the ones considered to be the best. One example of this is smokepuurps freestyle “Limelight”, considered one of the best of all time, and it is still nothing compared to our lord, NAV.
Retard: “Kanye West is definitely the greatest rapper of all time.”

Intellectual: “You’re fucking dumb, it’s obviously NAV”

Retard: “But have you heard My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy though?”
by NAVsBiggestFan November 28, 2020
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A rich man that claims he's broke. His net worth is estimated to be higher than Bill Gates and lives a luxurious life.
Rich Friend: I'm broke as hell
Me: Quit lyin' bruh, you're being a Nav right now! We damn well know that you got hella drip for dayssss
by Broke Man Jay April 29, 2020
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When you use your Car's Navigational system to Navigate an adress
Person A: "Yo, we need to get to San Francisco quickly. Do you know how to get there?"

Person B: "Don't worry, I'll Nav it"
by Ebadly April 23, 2010
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A dance involving the crossing and separating of straight arms with your head tilted slightly and a serious expression upon your face.
The Nav is a quick spreading expressionist dance amongst high school aged students.
by Roman Blanc October 17, 2011
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A word to describe an attractive male. sexy, fashionable, Fit, HOT. short for Navid. usually has great hair.
"Man, that guy is so Nav"
"woaahh, check out the Nav over there!"
"i've bagged myself a hot Nav"
by Dennis badgay October 23, 2006
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