This is when two men tap the eyes of their penises together like their dicks kissed. They do it quickly like a peck, longer contact then becomes a Cyclops Pash. It can be done by lovers or best friends to become SUPER BEST FRIENDS.
Friend 1 - "Did you hear Eric and Frank became Super Best Friends last night?"
Friend 2 - "No, how did they do that?"
Friend 1 - "They gave each other The Cyclops Kiss."
by cheersBIGears September 13, 2019
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A big shitty cold sore, that takes away ones kiss-ability for two weeks, in effect preventing you from going out, or from picking up a girl (or guy) during that time.
That kiss-blocker on her mouth looks horrible. She won't be making out tonight.

Jackass had just sorted his pickup-lines, when he noticed Melanie's kiss-blocker.
Without missing a beat, he eyed up Melanie's cute ass friend.
by Rifwalker July 11, 2010
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Getting drunk. Often in a large group of friends.
“Hey,you wanna come kiss the bottle tonight?”
I can’t
by SClarky04 December 9, 2021
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When one's penis or pubic hair gets caught in a zipper, and pinches.
"Oh man, I was just peeing so hardcore and when I finished, I got a zipper kiss."
by cadaverefiore July 27, 2012
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The act of giving inuit kisses. Rubbing noses together as a sign of affection or greeting. (Sometimes referred to as eskimo kissing).
The nose required moisturizing after all the inuit kissing.
by 1337ric April 19, 2022
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guy 1: what up doe, what's goodie?

guy 2: a, i met this bitch last night. we kicked it and i let her kiss the wrapper.
by what's goodie February 16, 2009
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Like a French Kiss, but you're using your teeth to kiss instead of your tongue.
Mike and Haley are not biting each other. They are German Kissing.
by HeavyMetalGuy360 March 3, 2020
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