to run, sometimes follows "on the," meaning "on the run." Used by thirties-style gangsters, the same ones who said things like "Let's case the joint, see?"
Kramer: Yeah, he went down at the Beakman. He tried to lam, but they cheesed him.
by Frank Booth January 3, 2005
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Run. To be "on the lam" is to be on the run. Either from the law or from the mob. A popular expression in 1930's-1950's pulp fiction and film noir.
Louie was ratted out by that fink Joey and is now on the lam from the law.
by Thee Red Monkey June 1, 2006
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A ship between to gay guys who are Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens, who was married at the time but kept it a secret and was totally fucking gay and Alexander slept with his land lord Hercules and with multiple other men.
by KingOfKofi November 5, 2017
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A word (or rather an acronym that describes somebody that has "Look At Me Syndrome" (LAMS!)

Someone who has LAMS likes to be the centre of attention and if the room goes quiet they draw attention to themselves by being silly... or leaves a room returning wearing a wig, costume or doing something to draw people to look at them.
"Oh man! That guy Daniel has LAMS.. you can always rely on him to break the silence."
by Andy RF Jones November 3, 2006
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A last name compared to Chinese culture. Most often referred to woods in the Canton language.
What's your name?
Oh! I'm Cathrine Lam.
by Silvey Swiftheart September 26, 2018
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A person who never wastes a chance to draw disproportionate attention to themselves. (Abbreviation of 'Look at me.')
We were supposed to be done at 3:30 but Gary and Melissa are such LAMs that the discussion mostly went sideways, and we didn't get out till five.
by Ned R April 27, 2009
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“Lam” is an abbreviation for the term ‘low and moving’ which usually pertains to a person or person(s) hiding from the law.
When you’re on the lam,
You’re keeping a low profile, your body may be literally low to the ground just to keep from being seen by the enemy.

When the coast is clear it’s time to move on. Keep low and keep moving quietly, stealthily towards safety.
Jimmy went awol and is now on the lam from the military police.
by Lady on the Lam April 17, 2021
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