A mix of 'broken' and 'broccoli'
When someone is really depressed and sad.
Maddy- Isabelle is #Brocken
by #imadeupthewordbrockenlol August 16, 2021
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a word used for children who think they are depressed and use these emojis:😭🥺😣 unironically
kid:i'm so depressed😭🥺
you:yes your so brocken
by the virgin March 25, 2021
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Mainly used by little kids on Snapchat or TikTok after being 'rejected' by their 3rd grade crush.

Also uses '😭😢😡' unironically.
Person 1: Have you heard? Jake got rejected
Person 2: Yeah, he said he's 'brocken' on his Snapchat story and sent 'streaks dhmu'
by tybzm October 22, 2021
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When your sixth grade boyfriend breaks up with you and you go to your snapchat story to rant. Because your in sixth grade you cant spell.
by imsobrocken January 1, 2021
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brocken; a phrase used to describe sadness, but really, not.
person 1: im so brocken...
person 2: can you not
person 1: nobody understands...
by bee_lover122 May 14, 2021
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-someone exhibiting severe mental or physical behaviors
-often interpreted as psychos or mentally unstable individuals-usually just being true to themselves, which results in being or becoming a “brocken
-you could react to these behaviors by hitting them over the head with a brick-they quite enjoy this engagement

-this term is named after a mountain in Germany, the reason for this is because of the fact that over 50% of people going up that reach the peak never come down-this relates to someone starting to become crazy, (usually getting too crazy), and never being able to go back to your original mental state
-there is no treatment to brocken, so be careful fellow psychos!
“my friend was acting like a brocken today, should I be worried?”
by Pelphang April 19, 2022
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im #brocken
1) "im so brocken </3"

2) "ugh i knocked down my vase and now its brocken"

3) "my heart has been brocken </3"
by RABIESTHEDOG April 29, 2021
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