4 definitions by Pelphang


-considered rotten or “expiredyogurt
-usually has a thick film that tastes of spinach
omg that goga was disgusting
by Pelphang April 19, 2022
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-stupid people (plural-pelphangs)
-used to describe someone of great stupidity or dumbness
-usually are uneducated people who are not able to understand information to a certain level
-a pelphang is on the level of stupidity that you would walk down an escalator going up
-they are usually quite introverted because they have no friends, this is the result of being or becoming a pelphang
wow, look at that pelphang!”
“so many pelphangs!”
by Pelphang April 19, 2022
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-someone exhibiting severe mental or physical behaviors
-often interpreted as psychos or mentally unstable individuals-usually just being true to themselves, which results in being or becoming a “brocken
-you could react to these behaviors by hitting them over the head with a brick-they quite enjoy this engagement

-this term is named after a mountain in Germany, the reason for this is because of the fact that over 50% of people going up that reach the peak never come down-this relates to someone starting to become crazy, (usually getting too crazy), and never being able to go back to your original mental state
-there is no treatment to brocken, so be careful fellow psychos!
“my friend was acting like a brocken today, should I be worried?”
by Pelphang April 19, 2022
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